* jQuery Validation Plugin v1.15.0
* http://jqueryvalidation.org/
* Copyright (c) 2016 Jörn Zaefferer
* Released under the MIT license
(function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
define( ["jquery"], factory );
} else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory( require( "jquery" ) );
} else {
factory( jQuery );
}(function( $ ) {
$.extend( $.fn, {
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/validate/
validate: function( options ) {
// If nothing is selected, return nothing; can't chain anyway
if ( !this.length ) {
if ( options && options.debug && window.console ) {
console.warn( "Nothing selected, can't validate, returning nothing." );
// Check if a validator for this form was already created
var validator = $.data( this[ 0 ], "validator" );
if ( validator ) {
return validator;
// Add novalidate tag if HTML5.
this.attr( "novalidate", "novalidate" );
validator = new $.validator( options, this[ 0 ] );
$.data( this[ 0 ], "validator", validator );
if ( validator.settings.onsubmit ) {
this.on( "click.validate", ":submit", function( event ) {
if ( validator.settings.submitHandler ) {
validator.submitButton = event.target;
// Allow suppressing validation by adding a cancel class to the submit button
if ( $( this ).hasClass( "cancel" ) ) {
validator.cancelSubmit = true;
// Allow suppressing validation by adding the html5 formnovalidate attribute to the submit button
if ( $( this ).attr( "formnovalidate" ) !== undefined ) {
validator.cancelSubmit = true;
} );
// Validate the form on submit
this.on( "submit.validate", function( event ) {
if ( validator.settings.debug ) {
// Prevent form submit to be able to see console output
function handle() {
var hidden, result;
if ( validator.settings.submitHandler ) {
if ( validator.submitButton ) {
// Insert a hidden input as a replacement for the missing submit button
hidden = $( "" )
.attr( "name", validator.submitButton.name )
.val( $( validator.submitButton ).val() )
.appendTo( validator.currentForm );
result = validator.settings.submitHandler.call( validator, validator.currentForm, event );
if ( validator.submitButton ) {
// And clean up afterwards; thanks to no-block-scope, hidden can be referenced
if ( result !== undefined ) {
return result;
return false;
return true;
// Prevent submit for invalid forms or custom submit handlers
if ( validator.cancelSubmit ) {
validator.cancelSubmit = false;
return handle();
if ( validator.form() ) {
if ( validator.pendingRequest ) {
validator.formSubmitted = true;
return false;
return handle();
} else {
return false;
} );
return validator;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/valid/
valid: function() {
var valid, validator, errorList;
if ( $( this[ 0 ] ).is( "form" ) ) {
valid = this.validate().form();
} else {
errorList = [];
valid = true;
validator = $( this[ 0 ].form ).validate();
this.each( function() {
valid = validator.element( this ) && valid;
if ( !valid ) {
errorList = errorList.concat( validator.errorList );
} );
validator.errorList = errorList;
return valid;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/rules/
rules: function( command, argument ) {
// If nothing is selected, return nothing; can't chain anyway
if ( !this.length ) {
var element = this[ 0 ],
settings, staticRules, existingRules, data, param, filtered;
if ( command ) {
settings = $.data( element.form, "validator" ).settings;
staticRules = settings.rules;
existingRules = $.validator.staticRules( element );
switch ( command ) {
case "add":
$.extend( existingRules, $.validator.normalizeRule( argument ) );
// Remove messages from rules, but allow them to be set separately
delete existingRules.messages;
staticRules[ element.name ] = existingRules;
if ( argument.messages ) {
settings.messages[ element.name ] = $.extend( settings.messages[ element.name ], argument.messages );
case "remove":
if ( !argument ) {
delete staticRules[ element.name ];
return existingRules;
filtered = {};
$.each( argument.split( /\s/ ), function( index, method ) {
filtered[ method ] = existingRules[ method ];
delete existingRules[ method ];
if ( method === "required" ) {
$( element ).removeAttr( "aria-required" );
} );
return filtered;
data = $.validator.normalizeRules(
$.validator.classRules( element ),
$.validator.attributeRules( element ),
$.validator.dataRules( element ),
$.validator.staticRules( element )
), element );
// Make sure required is at front
if ( data.required ) {
param = data.required;
delete data.required;
data = $.extend( { required: param }, data );
$( element ).attr( "aria-required", "true" );
// Make sure remote is at back
if ( data.remote ) {
param = data.remote;
delete data.remote;
data = $.extend( data, { remote: param } );
return data;
} );
// Custom selectors
$.extend( $.expr[ ":" ], {
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/blank-selector/
blank: function( a ) {
return !$.trim( "" + $( a ).val() );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/filled-selector/
filled: function( a ) {
var val = $( a ).val();
return val !== null && !!$.trim( "" + val );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/unchecked-selector/
unchecked: function( a ) {
return !$( a ).prop( "checked" );
} );
// Constructor for validator
$.validator = function( options, form ) {
this.settings = $.extend( true, {}, $.validator.defaults, options );
this.currentForm = form;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.format/
$.validator.format = function( source, params ) {
if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
return function() {
var args = $.makeArray( arguments );
args.unshift( source );
return $.validator.format.apply( this, args );
if ( params === undefined ) {
return source;
if ( arguments.length > 2 && params.constructor !== Array ) {
params = $.makeArray( arguments ).slice( 1 );
if ( params.constructor !== Array ) {
params = [ params ];
$.each( params, function( i, n ) {
source = source.replace( new RegExp( "\\{" + i + "\\}", "g" ), function() {
return n;
} );
} );
return source;
$.extend( $.validator, {
defaults: {
messages: {},
groups: {},
rules: {},
errorClass: "error",
pendingClass: "pending",
validClass: "valid",
errorElement: "label",
focusCleanup: false,
focusInvalid: true,
errorContainer: $( [] ),
errorLabelContainer: $( [] ),
onsubmit: true,
ignore: ":hidden",
ignoreTitle: false,
onfocusin: function( element ) {
this.lastActive = element;
// Hide error label and remove error class on focus if enabled
if ( this.settings.focusCleanup ) {
if ( this.settings.unhighlight ) {
this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, element, this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
this.hideThese( this.errorsFor( element ) );
onfocusout: function( element ) {
if ( !this.checkable( element ) && ( element.name in this.submitted || !this.optional( element ) ) ) {
this.element( element );
onkeyup: function( element, event ) {
// Avoid revalidate the field when pressing one of the following keys
// Shift => 16
// Ctrl => 17
// Alt => 18
// Caps lock => 20
// End => 35
// Home => 36
// Left arrow => 37
// Up arrow => 38
// Right arrow => 39
// Down arrow => 40
// Insert => 45
// Num lock => 144
// AltGr key => 225
var excludedKeys = [
16, 17, 18, 20, 35, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40, 45, 144, 225
if ( event.which === 9 && this.elementValue( element ) === "" || $.inArray( event.keyCode, excludedKeys ) !== -1 ) {
} else if ( element.name in this.submitted || element.name in this.invalid ) {
this.element( element );
onclick: function( element ) {
// Click on selects, radiobuttons and checkboxes
if ( element.name in this.submitted ) {
this.element( element );
// Or option elements, check parent select in that case
} else if ( element.parentNode.name in this.submitted ) {
this.element( element.parentNode );
highlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass ) {
if ( element.type === "radio" ) {
this.findByName( element.name ).addClass( errorClass ).removeClass( validClass );
} else {
$( element ).addClass( errorClass ).removeClass( validClass );
unhighlight: function( element, errorClass, validClass ) {
if ( element.type === "radio" ) {
this.findByName( element.name ).removeClass( errorClass ).addClass( validClass );
} else {
$( element ).removeClass( errorClass ).addClass( validClass );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.setDefaults/
setDefaults: function( settings ) {
$.extend( $.validator.defaults, settings );
messages: {
required: "This field is required.",
remote: "Please fix this field.",
email: "Please enter a valid email address.",
url: "Please enter a valid URL.",
date: "Please enter a valid date.",
dateISO: "Please enter a valid date ( ISO ).",
number: "Please enter a valid number.",
digits: "Please enter only digits.",
equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.",
maxlength: $.validator.format( "Please enter no more than {0} characters." ),
minlength: $.validator.format( "Please enter at least {0} characters." ),
rangelength: $.validator.format( "Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long." ),
range: $.validator.format( "Please enter a value between {0} and {1}." ),
max: $.validator.format( "Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}." ),
min: $.validator.format( "Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}." ),
step: $.validator.format( "Please enter a multiple of {0}." )
autoCreateRanges: false,
prototype: {
init: function() {
this.labelContainer = $( this.settings.errorLabelContainer );
this.errorContext = this.labelContainer.length && this.labelContainer || $( this.currentForm );
this.containers = $( this.settings.errorContainer ).add( this.settings.errorLabelContainer );
this.submitted = {};
this.valueCache = {};
this.pendingRequest = 0;
this.pending = {};
this.invalid = {};
var groups = ( this.groups = {} ),
$.each( this.settings.groups, function( key, value ) {
if ( typeof value === "string" ) {
value = value.split( /\s/ );
$.each( value, function( index, name ) {
groups[ name ] = key;
} );
} );
rules = this.settings.rules;
$.each( rules, function( key, value ) {
rules[ key ] = $.validator.normalizeRule( value );
} );
function delegate( event ) {
var validator = $.data( this.form, "validator" ),
eventType = "on" + event.type.replace( /^validate/, "" ),
settings = validator.settings;
if ( settings[ eventType ] && !$( this ).is( settings.ignore ) ) {
settings[ eventType ].call( validator, this, event );
$( this.currentForm )
.on( "focusin.validate focusout.validate keyup.validate",
":text, [type='password'], [type='file'], select, textarea, [type='number'], [type='search'], " +
"[type='tel'], [type='url'], [type='email'], [type='datetime'], [type='date'], [type='month'], " +
"[type='week'], [type='time'], [type='datetime-local'], [type='range'], [type='color'], " +
"[type='radio'], [type='checkbox'], [contenteditable]", delegate )
// Support: Chrome, oldIE
// "select" is provided as event.target when clicking a option
.on( "click.validate", "select, option, [type='radio'], [type='checkbox']", delegate );
if ( this.settings.invalidHandler ) {
$( this.currentForm ).on( "invalid-form.validate", this.settings.invalidHandler );
// Add aria-required to any Static/Data/Class required fields before first validation
// Screen readers require this attribute to be present before the initial submission http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-TECHS/ARIA2.html
$( this.currentForm ).find( "[required], [data-rule-required], .required" ).attr( "aria-required", "true" );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.form/
form: function() {
$.extend( this.submitted, this.errorMap );
this.invalid = $.extend( {}, this.errorMap );
if ( !this.valid() ) {
$( this.currentForm ).triggerHandler( "invalid-form", [ this ] );
return this.valid();
checkForm: function() {
for ( var i = 0, elements = ( this.currentElements = this.elements() ); elements[ i ]; i++ ) {
this.check( elements[ i ] );
return this.valid();
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.element/
element: function( element ) {
var cleanElement = this.clean( element ),
checkElement = this.validationTargetFor( cleanElement ),
v = this,
result = true,
rs, group;
if ( checkElement === undefined ) {
delete this.invalid[ cleanElement.name ];
} else {
this.prepareElement( checkElement );
this.currentElements = $( checkElement );
// If this element is grouped, then validate all group elements already
// containing a value
group = this.groups[ checkElement.name ];
if ( group ) {
$.each( this.groups, function( name, testgroup ) {
if ( testgroup === group && name !== checkElement.name ) {
cleanElement = v.validationTargetFor( v.clean( v.findByName( name ) ) );
if ( cleanElement && cleanElement.name in v.invalid ) {
v.currentElements.push( cleanElement );
result = result && v.check( cleanElement );
} );
rs = this.check( checkElement ) !== false;
result = result && rs;
if ( rs ) {
this.invalid[ checkElement.name ] = false;
} else {
this.invalid[ checkElement.name ] = true;
if ( !this.numberOfInvalids() ) {
// Hide error containers on last error
this.toHide = this.toHide.add( this.containers );
// Add aria-invalid status for screen readers
$( element ).attr( "aria-invalid", !rs );
return result;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.showErrors/
showErrors: function( errors ) {
if ( errors ) {
var validator = this;
// Add items to error list and map
$.extend( this.errorMap, errors );
this.errorList = $.map( this.errorMap, function( message, name ) {
return {
message: message,
element: validator.findByName( name )[ 0 ]
} );
// Remove items from success list
this.successList = $.grep( this.successList, function( element ) {
return !( element.name in errors );
} );
if ( this.settings.showErrors ) {
this.settings.showErrors.call( this, this.errorMap, this.errorList );
} else {
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/Validator.resetForm/
resetForm: function() {
if ( $.fn.resetForm ) {
$( this.currentForm ).resetForm();
this.invalid = {};
this.submitted = {};
var elements = this.elements()
.removeData( "previousValue" )
.removeAttr( "aria-invalid" );
this.resetElements( elements );
resetElements: function( elements ) {
var i;
if ( this.settings.unhighlight ) {
for ( i = 0; elements[ i ]; i++ ) {
this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, elements[ i ],
this.settings.errorClass, "" );
this.findByName( elements[ i ].name ).removeClass( this.settings.validClass );
} else {
.removeClass( this.settings.errorClass )
.removeClass( this.settings.validClass );
numberOfInvalids: function() {
return this.objectLength( this.invalid );
objectLength: function( obj ) {
/* jshint unused: false */
var count = 0,
for ( i in obj ) {
if ( obj[ i ] ) {
return count;
hideErrors: function() {
this.hideThese( this.toHide );
hideThese: function( errors ) {
errors.not( this.containers ).text( "" );
this.addWrapper( errors ).hide();
valid: function() {
return this.size() === 0;
size: function() {
return this.errorList.length;
focusInvalid: function() {
if ( this.settings.focusInvalid ) {
try {
$( this.findLastActive() || this.errorList.length && this.errorList[ 0 ].element || [] )
.filter( ":visible" )
// Manually trigger focusin event; without it, focusin handler isn't called, findLastActive won't have anything to find
.trigger( "focusin" );
} catch ( e ) {
// Ignore IE throwing errors when focusing hidden elements
findLastActive: function() {
var lastActive = this.lastActive;
return lastActive && $.grep( this.errorList, function( n ) {
return n.element.name === lastActive.name;
} ).length === 1 && lastActive;
elements: function() {
var validator = this,
rulesCache = {};
// Select all valid inputs inside the form (no submit or reset buttons)
return $( this.currentForm )
.find( "input, select, textarea, [contenteditable]" )
.not( ":submit, :reset, :image, :disabled" )
.not( this.settings.ignore )
.filter( function() {
var name = this.name || $( this ).attr( "name" ); // For contenteditable
if ( !name && validator.settings.debug && window.console ) {
console.error( "%o has no name assigned", this );
// Set form expando on contenteditable
if ( this.hasAttribute( "contenteditable" ) ) {
this.form = $( this ).closest( "form" )[ 0 ];
// Select only the first element for each name, and only those with rules specified
if ( name in rulesCache || !validator.objectLength( $( this ).rules() ) ) {
return false;
rulesCache[ name ] = true;
return true;
} );
clean: function( selector ) {
return $( selector )[ 0 ];
errors: function() {
var errorClass = this.settings.errorClass.split( " " ).join( "." );
return $( this.settings.errorElement + "." + errorClass, this.errorContext );
resetInternals: function() {
this.successList = [];
this.errorList = [];
this.errorMap = {};
this.toShow = $( [] );
this.toHide = $( [] );
reset: function() {
this.currentElements = $( [] );
prepareForm: function() {
this.toHide = this.errors().add( this.containers );
prepareElement: function( element ) {
this.toHide = this.errorsFor( element );
elementValue: function( element ) {
var $element = $( element ),
type = element.type,
val, idx;
if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" ) {
return this.findByName( element.name ).filter( ":checked" ).val();
} else if ( type === "number" && typeof element.validity !== "undefined" ) {
return element.validity.badInput ? "NaN" : $element.val();
if ( element.hasAttribute( "contenteditable" ) ) {
val = $element.text();
} else {
val = $element.val();
if ( type === "file" ) {
// Modern browser (chrome & safari)
if ( val.substr( 0, 12 ) === "C:\\fakepath\\" ) {
return val.substr( 12 );
// Legacy browsers
// Unix-based path
idx = val.lastIndexOf( "/" );
if ( idx >= 0 ) {
return val.substr( idx + 1 );
// Windows-based path
idx = val.lastIndexOf( "\\" );
if ( idx >= 0 ) {
return val.substr( idx + 1 );
// Just the file name
return val;
if ( typeof val === "string" ) {
return val.replace( /\r/g, "" );
return val;
check: function( element ) {
element = this.validationTargetFor( this.clean( element ) );
var rules = $( element ).rules(),
rulesCount = $.map( rules, function( n, i ) {
return i;
} ).length,
dependencyMismatch = false,
val = this.elementValue( element ),
result, method, rule;
// If a normalizer is defined for this element, then
// call it to retreive the changed value instead
// of using the real one.
// Note that `this` in the normalizer is `element`.
if ( typeof rules.normalizer === "function" ) {
val = rules.normalizer.call( element, val );
if ( typeof val !== "string" ) {
throw new TypeError( "The normalizer should return a string value." );
// Delete the normalizer from rules to avoid treating
// it as a pre-defined method.
delete rules.normalizer;
for ( method in rules ) {
rule = { method: method, parameters: rules[ method ] };
try {
result = $.validator.methods[ method ].call( this, val, element, rule.parameters );
// If a method indicates that the field is optional and therefore valid,
// don't mark it as valid when there are no other rules
if ( result === "dependency-mismatch" && rulesCount === 1 ) {
dependencyMismatch = true;
dependencyMismatch = false;
if ( result === "pending" ) {
this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.errorsFor( element ) );
if ( !result ) {
this.formatAndAdd( element, rule );
return false;
} catch ( e ) {
if ( this.settings.debug && window.console ) {
console.log( "Exception occurred when checking element " + element.id + ", check the '" + rule.method + "' method.", e );
if ( e instanceof TypeError ) {
e.message += ". Exception occurred when checking element " + element.id + ", check the '" + rule.method + "' method.";
throw e;
if ( dependencyMismatch ) {
if ( this.objectLength( rules ) ) {
this.successList.push( element );
return true;
// Return the custom message for the given element and validation method
// specified in the element's HTML5 data attribute
// return the generic message if present and no method specific message is present
customDataMessage: function( element, method ) {
return $( element ).data( "msg" + method.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() +
method.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase() ) || $( element ).data( "msg" );
// Return the custom message for the given element name and validation method
customMessage: function( name, method ) {
var m = this.settings.messages[ name ];
return m && ( m.constructor === String ? m : m[ method ] );
// Return the first defined argument, allowing empty strings
findDefined: function() {
for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
if ( arguments[ i ] !== undefined ) {
return arguments[ i ];
return undefined;
defaultMessage: function( element, rule ) {
var message = this.findDefined(
this.customMessage( element.name, rule.method ),
this.customDataMessage( element, rule.method ),
// 'title' is never undefined, so handle empty string as undefined
!this.settings.ignoreTitle && element.title || undefined,
$.validator.messages[ rule.method ],
"Warning: No message defined for " + element.name + ""
theregex = /\$?\{(\d+)\}/g;
if ( typeof message === "function" ) {
message = message.call( this, rule.parameters, element );
} else if ( theregex.test( message ) ) {
message = $.validator.format( message.replace( theregex, "{$1}" ), rule.parameters );
return message;
formatAndAdd: function( element, rule ) {
var message = this.defaultMessage( element, rule );
this.errorList.push( {
message: message,
element: element,
method: rule.method
} );
this.errorMap[ element.name ] = message;
this.submitted[ element.name ] = message;
addWrapper: function( toToggle ) {
if ( this.settings.wrapper ) {
toToggle = toToggle.add( toToggle.parent( this.settings.wrapper ) );
return toToggle;
defaultShowErrors: function() {
var i, elements, error;
for ( i = 0; this.errorList[ i ]; i++ ) {
error = this.errorList[ i ];
if ( this.settings.highlight ) {
this.settings.highlight.call( this, error.element, this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
this.showLabel( error.element, error.message );
if ( this.errorList.length ) {
this.toShow = this.toShow.add( this.containers );
if ( this.settings.success ) {
for ( i = 0; this.successList[ i ]; i++ ) {
this.showLabel( this.successList[ i ] );
if ( this.settings.unhighlight ) {
for ( i = 0, elements = this.validElements(); elements[ i ]; i++ ) {
this.settings.unhighlight.call( this, elements[ i ], this.settings.errorClass, this.settings.validClass );
this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.toShow );
this.addWrapper( this.toShow ).show();
validElements: function() {
return this.currentElements.not( this.invalidElements() );
invalidElements: function() {
return $( this.errorList ).map( function() {
return this.element;
} );
showLabel: function( element, message ) {
var place, group, errorID, v,
error = this.errorsFor( element ),
elementID = this.idOrName( element ),
describedBy = $( element ).attr( "aria-describedby" );
if ( error.length ) {
// Refresh error/success class
error.removeClass( this.settings.validClass ).addClass( this.settings.errorClass );
// Replace message on existing label
error.html( message );
} else {
// Create error element
error = $( "<" + this.settings.errorElement + ">" )
.attr( "id", elementID + "-error" )
.addClass( this.settings.errorClass )
.html( message || "" );
// Maintain reference to the element to be placed into the DOM
place = error;
if ( this.settings.wrapper ) {
// Make sure the element is visible, even in IE
// actually showing the wrapped element is handled elsewhere
place = error.hide().show().wrap( "<" + this.settings.wrapper + "/>" ).parent();
if ( this.labelContainer.length ) {
this.labelContainer.append( place );
} else if ( this.settings.errorPlacement ) {
this.settings.errorPlacement( place, $( element ) );
} else {
place.insertAfter( element );
// Link error back to the element
if ( error.is( "label" ) ) {
// If the error is a label, then associate using 'for'
error.attr( "for", elementID );
// If the element is not a child of an associated label, then it's necessary
// to explicitly apply aria-describedby
} else if ( error.parents( "label[for='" + this.escapeCssMeta( elementID ) + "']" ).length === 0 ) {
errorID = error.attr( "id" );
// Respect existing non-error aria-describedby
if ( !describedBy ) {
describedBy = errorID;
} else if ( !describedBy.match( new RegExp( "\\b" + this.escapeCssMeta( errorID ) + "\\b" ) ) ) {
// Add to end of list if not already present
describedBy += " " + errorID;
$( element ).attr( "aria-describedby", describedBy );
// If this element is grouped, then assign to all elements in the same group
group = this.groups[ element.name ];
if ( group ) {
v = this;
$.each( v.groups, function( name, testgroup ) {
if ( testgroup === group ) {
$( "[name='" + v.escapeCssMeta( name ) + "']", v.currentForm )
.attr( "aria-describedby", error.attr( "id" ) );
} );
if ( !message && this.settings.success ) {
error.text( "" );
if ( typeof this.settings.success === "string" ) {
error.addClass( this.settings.success );
} else {
this.settings.success( error, element );
this.toShow = this.toShow.add( error );
errorsFor: function( element ) {
var name = this.escapeCssMeta( this.idOrName( element ) ),
describer = $( element ).attr( "aria-describedby" ),
selector = "label[for='" + name + "'], label[for='" + name + "'] *";
// 'aria-describedby' should directly reference the error element
if ( describer ) {
selector = selector + ", #" + this.escapeCssMeta( describer )
.replace( /\s+/g, ", #" );
return this
.filter( selector );
// See https://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/, for CSS
// meta-characters that should be escaped in order to be used with JQuery
// as a literal part of a name/id or any selector.
escapeCssMeta: function( string ) {
return string.replace( /([\\!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@\[\]^`{|}~])/g, "\\$1" );
idOrName: function( element ) {
return this.groups[ element.name ] || ( this.checkable( element ) ? element.name : element.id || element.name );
validationTargetFor: function( element ) {
// If radio/checkbox, validate first element in group instead
if ( this.checkable( element ) ) {
element = this.findByName( element.name );
// Always apply ignore filter
return $( element ).not( this.settings.ignore )[ 0 ];
checkable: function( element ) {
return ( /radio|checkbox/i ).test( element.type );
findByName: function( name ) {
return $( this.currentForm ).find( "[name='" + this.escapeCssMeta( name ) + "']" );
getLength: function( value, element ) {
switch ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) {
case "select":
return $( "option:selected", element ).length;
case "input":
if ( this.checkable( element ) ) {
return this.findByName( element.name ).filter( ":checked" ).length;
return value.length;
depend: function( param, element ) {
return this.dependTypes[ typeof param ] ? this.dependTypes[ typeof param ]( param, element ) : true;
dependTypes: {
"boolean": function( param ) {
return param;
"string": function( param, element ) {
return !!$( param, element.form ).length;
"function": function( param, element ) {
return param( element );
optional: function( element ) {
var val = this.elementValue( element );
return !$.validator.methods.required.call( this, val, element ) && "dependency-mismatch";
startRequest: function( element ) {
if ( !this.pending[ element.name ] ) {
$( element ).addClass( this.settings.pendingClass );
this.pending[ element.name ] = true;
stopRequest: function( element, valid ) {
// Sometimes synchronization fails, make sure pendingRequest is never < 0
if ( this.pendingRequest < 0 ) {
this.pendingRequest = 0;
delete this.pending[ element.name ];
$( element ).removeClass( this.settings.pendingClass );
if ( valid && this.pendingRequest === 0 && this.formSubmitted && this.form() ) {
$( this.currentForm ).submit();
this.formSubmitted = false;
} else if ( !valid && this.pendingRequest === 0 && this.formSubmitted ) {
$( this.currentForm ).triggerHandler( "invalid-form", [ this ] );
this.formSubmitted = false;
previousValue: function( element, method ) {
return $.data( element, "previousValue" ) || $.data( element, "previousValue", {
old: null,
valid: true,
message: this.defaultMessage( element, { method: method } )
} );
// Cleans up all forms and elements, removes validator-specific events
destroy: function() {
$( this.currentForm )
.off( ".validate" )
.removeData( "validator" )
.find( ".validate-equalTo-blur" )
.off( ".validate-equalTo" )
.removeClass( "validate-equalTo-blur" );
classRuleSettings: {
required: { required: true },
email: { email: true },
url: { url: true },
date: { date: true },
dateISO: { dateISO: true },
number: { number: true },
digits: { digits: true },
creditcard: { creditcard: true }
addClassRules: function( className, rules ) {
if ( className.constructor === String ) {
this.classRuleSettings[ className ] = rules;
} else {
$.extend( this.classRuleSettings, className );
classRules: function( element ) {
var rules = {},
classes = $( element ).attr( "class" );
if ( classes ) {
$.each( classes.split( " " ), function() {
if ( this in $.validator.classRuleSettings ) {
$.extend( rules, $.validator.classRuleSettings[ this ] );
} );
return rules;
normalizeAttributeRule: function( rules, type, method, value ) {
// Convert the value to a number for number inputs, and for text for backwards compability
// allows type="date" and others to be compared as strings
if ( /min|max|step/.test( method ) && ( type === null || /number|range|text/.test( type ) ) ) {
value = Number( value );
// Support Opera Mini, which returns NaN for undefined minlength
if ( isNaN( value ) ) {
value = undefined;
if ( value || value === 0 ) {
rules[ method ] = value;
} else if ( type === method && type !== "range" ) {
// Exception: the jquery validate 'range' method
// does not test for the html5 'range' type
rules[ method ] = true;
attributeRules: function( element ) {
var rules = {},
$element = $( element ),
type = element.getAttribute( "type" ),
method, value;
for ( method in $.validator.methods ) {
// Support for in both html5 and older browsers
if ( method === "required" ) {
value = element.getAttribute( method );
// Some browsers return an empty string for the required attribute
// and non-HTML5 browsers might have required="" markup
if ( value === "" ) {
value = true;
// Force non-HTML5 browsers to return bool
value = !!value;
} else {
value = $element.attr( method );
this.normalizeAttributeRule( rules, type, method, value );
// 'maxlength' may be returned as -1, 2147483647 ( IE ) and 524288 ( safari ) for text inputs
if ( rules.maxlength && /-1|2147483647|524288/.test( rules.maxlength ) ) {
delete rules.maxlength;
return rules;
dataRules: function( element ) {
var rules = {},
$element = $( element ),
type = element.getAttribute( "type" ),
method, value;
for ( method in $.validator.methods ) {
value = $element.data( "rule" + method.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + method.substring( 1 ).toLowerCase() );
this.normalizeAttributeRule( rules, type, method, value );
return rules;
staticRules: function( element ) {
var rules = {},
validator = $.data( element.form, "validator" );
if ( validator.settings.rules ) {
rules = $.validator.normalizeRule( validator.settings.rules[ element.name ] ) || {};
return rules;
normalizeRules: function( rules, element ) {
// Handle dependency check
$.each( rules, function( prop, val ) {
// Ignore rule when param is explicitly false, eg. required:false
if ( val === false ) {
delete rules[ prop ];
if ( val.param || val.depends ) {
var keepRule = true;
switch ( typeof val.depends ) {
case "string":
keepRule = !!$( val.depends, element.form ).length;
case "function":
keepRule = val.depends.call( element, element );
if ( keepRule ) {
rules[ prop ] = val.param !== undefined ? val.param : true;
} else {
$.data( element.form, "validator" ).resetElements( $( element ) );
delete rules[ prop ];
} );
// Evaluate parameters
$.each( rules, function( rule, parameter ) {
rules[ rule ] = $.isFunction( parameter ) && rule !== "normalizer" ? parameter( element ) : parameter;
} );
// Clean number parameters
$.each( [ "minlength", "maxlength" ], function() {
if ( rules[ this ] ) {
rules[ this ] = Number( rules[ this ] );
} );
$.each( [ "rangelength", "range" ], function() {
var parts;
if ( rules[ this ] ) {
if ( $.isArray( rules[ this ] ) ) {
rules[ this ] = [ Number( rules[ this ][ 0 ] ), Number( rules[ this ][ 1 ] ) ];
} else if ( typeof rules[ this ] === "string" ) {
parts = rules[ this ].replace( /[\[\]]/g, "" ).split( /[\s,]+/ );
rules[ this ] = [ Number( parts[ 0 ] ), Number( parts[ 1 ] ) ];
} );
if ( $.validator.autoCreateRanges ) {
// Auto-create ranges
if ( rules.min != null && rules.max != null ) {
rules.range = [ rules.min, rules.max ];
delete rules.min;
delete rules.max;
if ( rules.minlength != null && rules.maxlength != null ) {
rules.rangelength = [ rules.minlength, rules.maxlength ];
delete rules.minlength;
delete rules.maxlength;
return rules;
// Converts a simple string to a {string: true} rule, e.g., "required" to {required:true}
normalizeRule: function( data ) {
if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
var transformed = {};
$.each( data.split( /\s/ ), function() {
transformed[ this ] = true;
} );
data = transformed;
return data;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.addMethod/
addMethod: function( name, method, message ) {
$.validator.methods[ name ] = method;
$.validator.messages[ name ] = message !== undefined ? message : $.validator.messages[ name ];
if ( method.length < 3 ) {
$.validator.addClassRules( name, $.validator.normalizeRule( name ) );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.methods/
methods: {
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/required-method/
required: function( value, element, param ) {
// Check if dependency is met
if ( !this.depend( param, element ) ) {
return "dependency-mismatch";
if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) {
// Could be an array for select-multiple or a string, both are fine this way
var val = $( element ).val();
return val && val.length > 0;
if ( this.checkable( element ) ) {
return this.getLength( value, element ) > 0;
return value.length > 0;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/email-method/
email: function( value, element ) {
// From https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#valid-e-mail-address
// Retrieved 2014-01-14
// If you have a problem with this implementation, report a bug against the above spec
// Or use custom methods to implement your own email validation
return this.optional( element ) || /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/.test( value );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/url-method/
url: function( value, element ) {
// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Diego Perini, MIT licensed
// https://gist.github.com/dperini/729294
// see also https://mathiasbynens.be/demo/url-regex
// modified to allow protocol-relative URLs
return this.optional( element ) || /^(?:(?:(?:https?|ftp):)?\/\/)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!(?:10|127)(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!(?:169\.254|192\.168)(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})).?)(?::\d{2,5})?(?:[/?#]\S*)?$/i.test( value );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/date-method/
date: function( value, element ) {
return this.optional( element ) || !/Invalid|NaN/.test( new Date( value ).toString() );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/dateISO-method/
dateISO: function( value, element ) {
return this.optional( element ) || /^\d{4}[\/\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\/\-](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/.test( value );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/number-method/
number: function( value, element ) {
return this.optional( element ) || /^(?:-?\d+|-?\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)?(?:\.\d+)?$/.test( value );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/digits-method/
digits: function( value, element ) {
return this.optional( element ) || /^\d+$/.test( value );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/minlength-method/
minlength: function( value, element, param ) {
var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength( value, element );
return this.optional( element ) || length >= param;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/maxlength-method/
maxlength: function( value, element, param ) {
var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength( value, element );
return this.optional( element ) || length <= param;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/rangelength-method/
rangelength: function( value, element, param ) {
var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength( value, element );
return this.optional( element ) || ( length >= param[ 0 ] && length <= param[ 1 ] );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/min-method/
min: function( value, element, param ) {
return this.optional( element ) || value >= param;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/max-method/
max: function( value, element, param ) {
return this.optional( element ) || value <= param;
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/range-method/
range: function( value, element, param ) {
return this.optional( element ) || ( value >= param[ 0 ] && value <= param[ 1 ] );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/step-method/
step: function( value, element, param ) {
var type = $( element ).attr( "type" ),
errorMessage = "Step attribute on input type " + type + " is not supported.",
supportedTypes = [ "text", "number", "range" ],
re = new RegExp( "\\b" + type + "\\b" ),
notSupported = type && !re.test( supportedTypes.join() );
// Works only for text, number and range input types
// TODO find a way to support input types date, datetime, datetime-local, month, time and week
if ( notSupported ) {
throw new Error( errorMessage );
return this.optional( element ) || ( value % param === 0 );
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/equalTo-method/
equalTo: function( value, element, param ) {
// Bind to the blur event of the target in order to revalidate whenever the target field is updated
var target = $( param );
if ( this.settings.onfocusout && target.not( ".validate-equalTo-blur" ).length ) {
target.addClass( "validate-equalTo-blur" ).on( "blur.validate-equalTo", function() {
$( element ).valid();
} );
return value === target.val();
// http://jqueryvalidation.org/remote-method/
remote: function( value, element, param, method ) {
if ( this.optional( element ) ) {
return "dependency-mismatch";
method = typeof method === "string" && method || "remote";
var previous = this.previousValue( element, method ),
validator, data, optionDataString;
if ( !this.settings.messages[ element.name ] ) {
this.settings.messages[ element.name ] = {};
previous.originalMessage = previous.originalMessage || this.settings.messages[ element.name ][ method ];
this.settings.messages[ element.name ][ method ] = previous.message;
param = typeof param === "string" && { url: param } || param;
optionDataString = $.param( $.extend( { data: value }, param.data ) );
if ( previous.old === optionDataString ) {
return previous.valid;
previous.old = optionDataString;
validator = this;
this.startRequest( element );
data = {};
data[ element.name ] = value;
$.ajax( $.extend( true, {
mode: "abort",
port: "validate" + element.name,
dataType: "json",
data: data,
context: validator.currentForm,
success: function( response ) {
var valid = response === true || response === "true",
errors, message, submitted;
validator.settings.messages[ element.name ][ method ] = previous.originalMessage;
if ( valid ) {
submitted = validator.formSubmitted;
validator.toHide = validator.errorsFor( element );
validator.formSubmitted = submitted;
validator.successList.push( element );
validator.invalid[ element.name ] = false;
} else {
errors = {};
message = response || validator.defaultMessage( element, { method: method, parameters: value } );
errors[ element.name ] = previous.message = message;
validator.invalid[ element.name ] = true;
validator.showErrors( errors );
previous.valid = valid;
validator.stopRequest( element, valid );
}, param ) );
return "pending";
} );
// Ajax mode: abort
// usage: $.ajax({ mode: "abort"[, port: "uniqueport"]});
// if mode:"abort" is used, the previous request on that port (port can be undefined) is aborted via XMLHttpRequest.abort()
var pendingRequests = {},
// Use a prefilter if available (1.5+)
if ( $.ajaxPrefilter ) {
$.ajaxPrefilter( function( settings, _, xhr ) {
var port = settings.port;
if ( settings.mode === "abort" ) {
if ( pendingRequests[ port ] ) {
pendingRequests[ port ].abort();
pendingRequests[ port ] = xhr;
} );
} else {
// Proxy ajax
ajax = $.ajax;
$.ajax = function( settings ) {
var mode = ( "mode" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).mode,
port = ( "port" in settings ? settings : $.ajaxSettings ).port;
if ( mode === "abort" ) {
if ( pendingRequests[ port ] ) {
pendingRequests[ port ].abort();
pendingRequests[ port ] = ajax.apply( this, arguments );
return pendingRequests[ port ];
return ajax.apply( this, arguments );
}));{"id":37689,"date":"2024-12-22T06:54:03","date_gmt":"2024-12-22T09:54:03","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/?p=37689"},"modified":"2024-12-22T06:56:07","modified_gmt":"2024-12-22T09:56:07","slug":"aqui-profundizaremos-en-los-mejores-redes-sobre","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/2024\/12\/22\/aqui-profundizaremos-en-los-mejores-redes-sobre\/","title":{"rendered":"Aqui profundizaremos en los mejores redes sobre contactos de Portugal cual se fabrican con una gran diversidad"},"content":{"rendered":"Aqui profundizaremos en los mejores redes sobre contactos de Portugal cual se fabrican con una gran diversidad<\/title><\/p>\n<p>Los mas grandes paginas de contactos de balde con el fin de registrarse en Espana son aquellas cual poseen los puntos que lo hacen sencillo y sobre forma de mas competente conocer a diferentes individuos en la historia favorable asi como obtener amarrar. Acerca de levante breve cronica nos disponemos an elaborar cualquier recorrido por el ranking para los excelentes lugares de atar y no ha transpirado hablar esencialmente sus peculiaridades.<\/p>\n<h2>Excelentes redes sobre contactos de balde referente a Argentina<\/h2>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/brightbrides.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/01\/nig3.jpg\" alt=\"novias iran\u0413\u00ades por correo\" width=\"450\" align=\"left\"><\/p>\n<p>Ideal de encuentros con gente comprometidas Perfiles revisados manualmente Empuje desplazandolo hacia el pelo privacidad Novedosa Traduccion Mejorada Aconsejado de contactos infieles Curriculums 500% revisados Perfecta con el fin de hallar pareja formal App con notificaciones en lapso conveniente Numero sobre seres inscritos Quedadas acerca de definitivos ciudades sobre Portugal Pareja de edad de cincuenta anos de vida App con manga larga notificaciones acerca de tiempo eficaz Curriculums verificados manualmente Eventos sobre primerizos urbes sobre Argentina Perfecta para noviazgo con manga larga chicas maduras diez anos especificos acerca de Ciertas zonas de espana De mayor sobre 000 seres en linea Plana sobre Citas Hembras Rusas Noviazgo esporadicas desplazandolo hacia el pelo con tu esposa Cuentas 500% verificados Perfecta con el fin de compromiso falto noviazgo 12 anos de vida capacitados referente <a href=\"https:\/\/kissbridesdate.com\/es\/novias-canadienses\/\">Canad\u0413\u040e novias<\/a> a De cualquier parte del mundo Mas de individuos en linea<\/p>\n<p>En el proceso de localizar los superiores paginas sobre conexion gratuitas sobre Argentina con el fin de 2024, hay que tener en cuenta diversos causas.<\/p>\n<p>Primero, una veracidad de el sitio web indumentarias la aplicacion seria esencial. Ciertas plataformas resultan de mayor fiables cual otras, asi que sabemos seleccionar la cual tenga con una gran credibilidad al momento de enlazar a seres joviales chicos y chicas correcta.<!--more--><\/p>\n<h2>Superiores redes sobre contactos regalado sobre De cualquier parte del mundo<\/h2>\n<p><iframe loading=\"lazy\" width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/embed\/kzT-G9-Y_Nk&pp=ygUVbWFpbCBvcmRlciBicmlkZSBzZXh5\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe><\/p>\n<p>sobre alternativas para todo el mundo, tanto en caso de que buscas cortejo habituales, contactos esporadicos indumentarias incluso paginas sobre contactos infieles.<\/p>\n<p>Debemos efectuado la encuesta desplazandolo hacia el pelo algun estudio exhaustivos de ofrecerte una numeracion cuidados de las excelentes redes sobre contactos a tu disposicion, unido joviales resenas y no ha transpirado consejos la cual asistiran a coger la empuje informada.<\/p>\n<p>Asi que, lo tanto en caso de que consiste en sobre aqui como un deportado, continua interpretando con el fin de descubrir los excelentes redes sobre comunicacion gratuitas de Argentina de 2024<\/p>\n<p>Igualmente, ademi?s deben tenerse acerca de perfil los funciones desplazandolo hacia el pelo la mecanica y la bicicleta que hay disponibles en cualquier sitio web en el caso de que nos lo olvidemos aplicacion, como una transporte, la optimizacion de motores sobre exploracion y las opciones sobre personalizacion del perfil. Si tendrias acerca de cuenta estos elementos, encontraras con facilidad las mejores redes de contactos.<\/p>\n<p>Ademas de una fiabilidad, tambien debemos de saber la motivo sobre individuos de el pagina web indumentarias app en la hora de disponer en que consisten los excelentes redes sobre relacion de balde en Argentina con el fin de 202 Ciertas plataformas resultan de mas usadas cual otras, cosa que suele facilitar la exploracion sobre parejas compatibles.<\/p>\n<p>Igualmente, ciertos sitios web asi como aplicaciones inscribiri? especializan acerca de grupos demograficos en el caso de que nos lo olvidemos deseos concretos, como algunos que solicitan compromiso serias indumentarias quienes se encuentran interesados en citas ocasionales. Si escoges un sitio web o la uso una buena motivo sobre gente gran y variada, es posible incrementar tus posibilidades sobre dar con los contrayentes excelente acerca de Argentina.<\/p>\n<p>El importe asimismo seria un elemento relevante que se debe tener sobre perfil alrededor del calcular las excelentes redes sobre contactos de balde en De cualquier parte del mundo con el fin de 202 Entretanto cual ciertos sitios de internet y no ha transpirado aplicaciones se fabrican con acciones primordiales de manera gratuita, otros pueden pedir nuestro remuneracion de obtener a funciones o herrammientas para bici avanzadas.<\/p>\n<p>Atane saber su costo y no ha transpirado el peso cual recibiras sobre completo sitio web indumentarias uso para recibir la mejor seguridad. Asimismo, merita una afliccion encontrar otras posibilidades para hallar la que conveniente se adapte a tus exigencias sobre Portugal.<\/p>\n<div class=\"custom-main-content\" style=\"position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; transform: translate(-100%, -100%); width: 150px;\">\n Partners:\n<a href=\"https:\/\/kasinoteuteller.com\/\">thunderkick kasinot<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/crazytimestats.org\/\">ruota crazy time<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/paypalkasinot.com\/\">paypal maksaminen<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/oasissperreaufheben.com\/\">casino ohne lizenz test<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/bedsteudenlandskecasino.com\/\">bedste udenlandske casinoer<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/casinoer-uden-rofus.com\/review\/0x-bet-casino\/\">0x.bet Casino<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/toppikakasino.com\/\">uudet casinot<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/casinoudendanskelicens.com\/\">nye casinoer med dansk licens<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/casinoudendanskelicens.com\/\">dansk casino licens<\/a>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/astropaycasino.net\/review\/wizebets-casino-nl\/\">Wizebets Casino NL<\/a>\n <\/div>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>Aqui profundizaremos en los mejores redes sobre contactos de Portugal cual se fabrican con una gran diversidad Los mas grandes paginas de contactos de balde con el fin de registrarse en Espana son aquellas cual poseen los puntos que lo hacen sencillo y sobre forma de mas<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[1114],"tags":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/37689"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=37689"}],"version-history":[{"count":1,"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/37689\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":37690,"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/37689\/revisions\/37690"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=37689"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=37689"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/vidaresidencialgeriatrico.com.br\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=37689"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}